School and Parish Leadership

Parish schools and high schools within the Diocese of Dallas that are planning to enroll a child with special needs who would NOT be able to attend without paraprofessional assistance, technology application, or other forms for support, may apply for a FIRE grant if/when specific criteria are met. Parish communities receiving FIRE grants are committed to adopting a philosophy of inclusive education within their school and assuming ownership of the inclusion program. Potential grantees are encouraged to apply parish and school enrollment policies and guidelines (tithing requirements, available space, etc.) when considering enrollment of a student with significant special needs. When possible, it’s desirable to offer special consideration for children who already have siblings attending the school.

Parents of a Child with Special Needs

Please contact your parish priest and school principal to request a meeting to discuss the possibility of your child attending your parish school. Parents are encouraged to provide any appropriate information to the principal including diagnosis, contact information of child’s current school, educational plans, etc., to assist the school in determining if they are able to meet the needs of your child.

All parents of children receiving support from a FIRE Foundation grant are asked to become members of Friends of FIRE!

Principals | Priests | Special Educators

FIRE has established a formal grant application process. Before qualifying for grant assistance please contact the FIRE Foundation of Dallas office to discuss your school’s desire to enroll a student with special needs who would NOT be able to attend without paraprofessional support and to learn more about partnership with the Foundation.

Grant Timelines

Coming Soon


Coming Soon